HVB Immobilien AG
Arabellastraße 12
D-81925 Munich
Legal form: joint stock company
Headquarters: Munich
Listed in the commercial registry maintained by the municipal court of Munich under the number 144217
Value added tax identification number DE 179331025
Legal representatives
Executive board member: Peter Weidenhöfer (Chairman), CEO
Tanja Haferkorn, COO
Chairman of the supervisory board: Martin Lang
Responsible for content
HVB Immobilien AG
Arabellastraße 12
D-81925 Munich
Permission on § 34c Absatz 1 Satz 1 Nummer 1 Gewerbeordnung (Immobilienmakler)
Controlling authority: Industrie- und Handelskammer München and Oberbayern,
Max-Joseph-Str. 2, 80333 München
Legal notice
HVB Immobilien AG is comprised of a large number of subsidiaries and associates. These are headquartered and do business in both Germany and abroad. Listed and described in this Website are also properties belonging to these companies and being marketed and managed by HVB Immobilien AG.
All due diligence was employed in the compiling of all facts reported and descriptions made in this Website. These items are reviewed updated on an ongoing basis and, whenever necessary, updated. Please remember, however, that the contracts concluded between parties entering into agreements of purchase or rental of property - or portions thereof - lay down the conditions bindingly determining the rights and duties of the parties. The contracts thus contain the details informing your decision to enter into a legally binding agreement. The divulgence and discovery of differences and divergences existing and arising between the contractual details and those reported in this Website is incumbent upon the party of perusal.
The contents of this Website neither constitute nor contain contractually-binding offers. Details depicted in plans, drawings, descriptions and the like may differ from those existing in commission and upon completion. All dimensions, details and descriptions reported in this Website make no claim of precision, with this especially applying to those pertaining to structures under construction. Floorplans rendered may have been taken from blowups and thus not suitable for use in measurements. Depictions of furnishings and amenities are not legally binding and will not be parts of contracts concluded.
No liability is assumed for the up-to-datedness, accuracy and comprehensiveness of the information supplied in this Website. Unaffected is the liability existing for injury to life, limbs and health and from malicious intention and gross negligence.
Applicable are the legal codes of the Federal Republic of Germany.
HVB Immobilien AG is not responsible for the contents of Websites linked to this Website by hyperlinks. The conditions set forth above also apply to this stipulation.
All texts, photographs, charts and other content, portions thereof, as well as their arrays and layouts on the Website of HVB Immobilien AG are protected by copyright and by the other laws securing the rights of intellectual property. The replication, dissemination or alteration for commercial purposes of the contents of this Website are not permitted.
The contents and layout of HVB Immobilien AG’s Websites are protected by all applicable laws of copyright. The replication of data or other information, with this particularly applying to the use of texts, or parts thereof, and photographs requires the express prior content of HVB Immobilien, which reserves the right to alter or add on to information already supplied.
Should you have any questions about this Website, please contact our Webmaster at info1@unicredit.de
As per the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes, an online dispute resolution platform of the EU Commission is available to you at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
We do not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
HVB Immobilien AG also maintains the following other domains
This Website was designed by
Tast Design
Technical details and realization was carried out by
XLcontent GmbH
English and editing by
Larissa Stilmann
HVB Immobilien AG, August 2012
© HVB Immobilien AG. All rights reserved.